Wednesday, February 23, 2011

You just found +$1,000,000 lying in the street. What do you do?

I would buy my favorite pizzas for me, and King Bowser would buy his favorites for himself. We would order hungry and pay happy. We would also purchase some of our other favorite foods, not forgetting our favorite sodas. Our hunger and thirst levels would be on EXTREME. We would wish this day will never end.

If we ran out of money, but took a walk and found $1,000,000,000,000 ($1 trillion) lying in the middle of nowhere, we would buy the things mentioned above AGAIN, plus a few of our favorite video games, too! We would be happy to death. We would buy a book on how to generate and spit out fireballs. We would BURN DOWN THE HOUSE!! We would savor this moment forever.


  1. .....Interesting. How could you consume that much food without exploding?

  2. uh thats kind of extreme dont you think. i mean the fire part.

  3. you should use that trillion dollars to help with the federal deficit!

  4. Interesting and creative.. how could u eat all the food?

  5. I love pizza! Will you share with me?

  6. That would be alot of food to eat without exploding

  7. yes i really like food and pop bowser is pretty cool. I dont like pizza that much but you must

  8. Pizza is soo yummy! Aggreed with Kayla!
