Monday, February 21, 2011

My zoo animal pet

I would choose the chameleon, because he'd stay in his big tank. Chameleons are cool because they camouflage into their surroundings. His name would be Chamele-Andrew. I would have a LOT of things for him to blend into, so he'd be a great hider in hide-and-go-seek. If I was reading, and Chamele-Andrew was on a page, I wouldn't find him until he walks off!

Yes, Chamele-Andrew would make a great pet. He'd sure put some color in my day. I'd take good care of him every day. He could also sleep with me. And that's why I'd choose the chameleon. See you next time. Goodbye!


  1. Nice, I would probably not bring home a chameleon because I would not be able to find it if I lost it.

  2. if he escaped the tank how would you find him

  3. i wish i could blend into my would be great for hockey!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. i agree wit mr.torpin i would love to blend in wit stuff, i also agree wit jen.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Great post. I probably wouldn't take the chameleon home cuz i would probly lose it... But I like the post :)

  8. just make sure you don't lose it when your playing hide and seek

  9. The only thing that would be bad, is if the chameleon would accidently get out, you wouldnt be able to find it. haha.
