Wednesday, July 20, 2011

If I had a dog...

Chomp Shark. No trespasser
wants to be nearby with him around!

The familiar
Chain Chomp.

The popular, and ever-so-funny
beagle, Snoopy!

If I had a dog, I would have 4 dogs; 2 guard dogs: a Chain Chomp and a Chomp Shark, and 2 pet dogs: Poochy and Snoopy. I would need the right foods, the correct environment, and the precisely-sized bowls, toys, and beds, not forgetting the fire hydrants. I'd also put up a fence around my house, and a sign reading, "Beware of Chomps!", warning all trespassers and robbers. Poochy is so cute he just makes you smile. Also, you can climb on him and hitch a ride, and the direction you face is the direction he runs. Snoopy, however, is too funny, so funny you can't stop laughing!

Poochy, the cutest
dog ever.

I would always trust in them to entertain and protect me. They'd really be Man's Best Friends. So remember, Chomp Sharks are so big, even the toughest trespassers will see them and run crying to their mommies. Chain Chomps: their bite is worse than their bark. Poochy and Snoopy: they are always there for you.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

My favorite thing about Halloween

My favorite thing of Halloween is the October pumpkins. On Halloween, you can pick any fresh (not decayed) big pumpkin and carve it into a jack-o'-lantern. The best thing about pumpkin carving is carving out the face, because it can be however you want it. On Halloween night, you can put in a candle and light it. That's the best part.

Any trick-or-treaters passing by your house can see the pumpkins you carved. They'll think it's funny or scary. Then, they'll see everybody's jack-o'-lanterns, too! Then next Halloween, they can carve their own pumpkins. That's my favorite thing about Halloween.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

You just found +$1,000,000 lying in the street. What do you do?

I would buy my favorite pizzas for me, and King Bowser would buy his favorites for himself. We would order hungry and pay happy. We would also purchase some of our other favorite foods, not forgetting our favorite sodas. Our hunger and thirst levels would be on EXTREME. We would wish this day will never end.

If we ran out of money, but took a walk and found $1,000,000,000,000 ($1 trillion) lying in the middle of nowhere, we would buy the things mentioned above AGAIN, plus a few of our favorite video games, too! We would be happy to death. We would buy a book on how to generate and spit out fireballs. We would BURN DOWN THE HOUSE!! We would savor this moment forever.

Monday, February 21, 2011

My zoo animal pet

I would choose the chameleon, because he'd stay in his big tank. Chameleons are cool because they camouflage into their surroundings. His name would be Chamele-Andrew. I would have a LOT of things for him to blend into, so he'd be a great hider in hide-and-go-seek. If I was reading, and Chamele-Andrew was on a page, I wouldn't find him until he walks off!

Yes, Chamele-Andrew would make a great pet. He'd sure put some color in my day. I'd take good care of him every day. He could also sleep with me. And that's why I'd choose the chameleon. See you next time. Goodbye!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

My image of myself in 15 years...

I imagine myself working with King Bowser at a Koopa weather station. The forecast is 0% calm, but 100% Bowser thunderstorms! Kamek would be in charge of sports news, Roger the Potted Ghost handling the 6:00 and 10:00 news, and Bigger Boo would be excellent in air traffic reports. Cool, huh? If you don't like it, I'll tell Bowser to air an emergency fireball broadcast saying he'll spit out fireballs and even Podoboos at you!

Together, we'd be the BNN, or Bowser News Network. Also, we'd air a comedy show, sorta like "Whose Line is it Anyway?". It'll be called Kamek Komedy. If you wish our shows were off the air, we'll forecast 100% violence!! You've been a wonderful audience. Thanks for watching; goodnight.

Monday, January 31, 2011

You just woke up and found out you're the last one standing. What do you do?

That's easy! I'd go do ANYTHING I'd want. I might eat anything I like eating, and I'd buy all the stuff I've always wanted. I could forecast the weather by myself. And I'd watch all my favorite movies and TV shows.

I would hire Roger the Potted Ghost to be my security guard, and Bigger Boo to man the toll booth. And why would I EVER forget King Bowser and Kamek?! I'd NEVER fire those two. But everybody I'd hire (mentioned above), including some batty Swoopers and a few Boo Blahs, would help me throw the PERFECT Halloween party! That's what would happen.

Friday, January 28, 2011

My Favorite Holiday

My favorite holiday is Halloween, because you go trick-or-treating and you carve jack-o'-lanterns. Halloween is spooky! BOO! GRRR! Trick-or-treat! Happy Halloween!
It makes me think of ghosts, Boos, Boo Blahs, Big Boos, BIGGER Boo, Roger the Potted Ghost, witches, warlocks, and Kamek, the evil Magikoopa. Never ever forget... KING BOWSER! And also: Haunted houses on dark and stormy nights. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Enter at your own vill, if you dare... mortal.