Friday, January 21, 2011

Hellooooo, world!

Your friend and blogger-prone person, Shelby Thibodeau, who lives in Shelton, Nebraska, was actually born in Shakopee, Minnesota! It's very true, y'all. Isn't it cool, pardners? We now just live in NE. I LIKE listening to thunderstorms, and I've seen a funnel cloud!!

This is my 1st post, you know. I'm NOT KIDDING! I like rainbows, and my 2 favorite cartoon cats are Garfield and The Pink Panther! I like to look at the moon at night, and I like Halloween and Christmas! Since February is coming, I wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. Happy Valentine's Day! I love Garfield and the Pink Panther too!

  2. Garfield and the Pink Panther are two great cartoon can't forget about Catdog though

  3. That's so cool! My favorite show is Garfield too! He's my favorite cat!

  4. Mr torpin, I remember that show and i really didnt see how he could be classified as a cat..I mean dog... I mean..never mind

  5. hey this isnt the west. is minnesota cold? the moon is cool andfunnel clouds are too.
