Wednesday, July 20, 2011

If I had a dog...

Chomp Shark. No trespasser
wants to be nearby with him around!

The familiar
Chain Chomp.

The popular, and ever-so-funny
beagle, Snoopy!

If I had a dog, I would have 4 dogs; 2 guard dogs: a Chain Chomp and a Chomp Shark, and 2 pet dogs: Poochy and Snoopy. I would need the right foods, the correct environment, and the precisely-sized bowls, toys, and beds, not forgetting the fire hydrants. I'd also put up a fence around my house, and a sign reading, "Beware of Chomps!", warning all trespassers and robbers. Poochy is so cute he just makes you smile. Also, you can climb on him and hitch a ride, and the direction you face is the direction he runs. Snoopy, however, is too funny, so funny you can't stop laughing!

Poochy, the cutest
dog ever.

I would always trust in them to entertain and protect me. They'd really be Man's Best Friends. So remember, Chomp Sharks are so big, even the toughest trespassers will see them and run crying to their mommies. Chain Chomps: their bite is worse than their bark. Poochy and Snoopy: they are always there for you.